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Thread: dvd to wmp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default dvd to wmp

    o.k i can get the dvd to my hard drive but how do i make clips?

  2. #2
    Beginner unicron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    What format is it in on the hardrive?

    Have you ripped it to AVI yet or have you just used somthing like DVD decryptor to rip it to an ISO.

    If you want to make it into an avi look at auto GK, its an all in one ripping tool thats pretty simple to use.

    If your looking to carve an avi up into smaller clips then windows movie maker comes bundled with XP, just import the video into it and tell it to process to get smaller clips, select the ones you want and tell it to save as a new file.

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