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Thread: *Download* access limits?

  1. #1
    Platinum member reneartois's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    NYC area, USA

    Default *Download* access limits?

    I used to be able to download several things at once from this site, but for a while now, it only allows two actions simultaneously. (I was platinum then, and platinum now, so that's not the reason.) For example: while I'm downloading two files, I can't even navigate to another thread, or open a thumbnailed picture, or anything, until one of the downloads finishes. Is this intentional? I didn't see it mentioned elsewhere in the Tech or Help forums. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Platinum member The Shape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    right behind you


    it's the same for me, only 2 at a time, but I wouldn't call it a download limit. It's more of a "you can only have 2 downloads going at once" a download limit makes me think you are restricted after a certain amount of downloads, and this is not the case. You can download all day and night at the forum (if you don't need to sleep)

    The Shape

  3. #3
    Platinum member reneartois's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    NYC area, USA


    Yes, thank you for clarifying -- I am indeed able to download an unlimited amount, just no more than 2 files at a time. But I know that this was not always the case. If you download a group of huge files (slowly) like the split parts of a big movie, 2 at a time to economize, you can't even browse pages in the forum in the meantime, which is an unfortunate restriction. I guess it's there to prevent any user from hogging?

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