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Thread: What am I doing wrong?

  1. #21
    Beginner gusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pixel556 View Post
    You have a muscle that controls the contraction of the scrotum, so as your body responds to the heat of you exercising it will relax the muscle giving your testes more air/distance from the femoral artery.
    This is another point I find interesting.

    I usually use a cock ring around my balls because every time when I get an erection my scrotum gets very tight, as if the skin would shrink, thus pushing my testicles up into the loin.
    When I use the ring it keeps the testicles out, but after a while it get's uncomfortable and I have to remove the ring.
    I am looking for some more elastic fabric that provides more comfort and lets me keep the ring on while I cum.
    Do you guys have any Suggestions - what (if at all) do you use?

    Note to the OP: Sorry , I didn't want to hijack your thread.

  2. #22
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    Vitamins trash livers?

    Also thanks for the replies everyone, quite helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeSouth View Post
    if you are getting headaches at the back of your head thats the lechithin...dump it matter of fact dump all that shit, I have posted previously what works

    1 plain old daily vitamin, centrum or whatever

    400 IU vitamin e 2x a day

    30 mg chelated zinc daily

    at least 24 hrs between pops

    your diet should have a good balance of protein and carbs, specially protein, the water isnt an issue as long as you stay properly hydrated it an be fruit juice, iced tea, whatever...

    it wont get any better than this. Toss all the supplements you are trashing your liver

  3. #23
    Expert Brian1453's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paradox428 View Post
    Vitamins trash livers?
    Various vitamins in excess can damage your health but too much B12 is especially bad for your liver and kidneys. It can lead to total failure and death. A lot of supplements are even worse since they are not regulated or tested. Here is a good link to a medical article on the subject: http : //www.medicinenet . com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=20320.

  4. #24
    Virgin FatRod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian1453 View Post
    Various vitamins in excess can damage your health but too much B12 is especially bad for your liver and kidneys. It can lead to total failure and death. A lot of supplements are even worse since they are not regulated or tested. Here is a good link to a medical article on the subject: http : //www.medicinenet . com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=20320.
    untrue. That's what the medical profession would lead you to believe because they are in bed with the pharmaceutical and insurance companies. They don't want you to be healthy, they want you to get sick and buy their medications. they ban together and publish un-researched dribble to scare you away from a proactive approach of living a healthy life with supplements.

  5. #25
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    There are documented cases of people eating polar bear liver which overloaded their system with vitamin A and killed them. Somehow I don't think the polar bears are in on the conspiracy with the medical and pharmaceutical companies but I could be wrong . There definitely can be too much of a good thing. Well, in most things, but maybe not facials.

  6. #26
    Expert fromotherspace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ernie2003 View Post
    I don't think the polar bears are in on the conspiracy with the medical and pharmaceutical companies
    untrue they have kill Kennedy to protect their secret

  7. #27
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    I haven't messed with cock rings so I can't suggest anything in particular to you.

    Too much vitamin A can make you go blind. Some supplements go way overboard on what you actually need. Since you get some vitamins from the foods you eat, getting 100% or more of a vitamin in your supplements may be too much.

  8. #28
    Beginner gusher's Avatar
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    Oh, no problem, I'm using shoe laces now :-)
    This way I can control the tightness.

  9. #29
    Expert geb204's Avatar
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    In additional to the zinc, which also made me sick on several occasions (I took ZMA and still do in lower doses every other day or so), I've also tried wheat germ, L-arginine, and a testosterone booster that I won't name. I lift weights 5 days a week so the arginine the T booster had multiple purposes. The T booster did work as far as increasing my testosterone, which in turn increased my libido and allowed me to add muscle mass quicker. Recovery/refractory time was cut way down as well. But I didn't notice a change in volume. Next up is d-aspartic acid, which is also a T booster, coupled/stacked with an estrogen blocker. Again, dual purpose. Let's see what happens...

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by geb204 View Post
    I've also tried wheat germ,
    Ah yes, I forgot to mention this. Wheat germ seemed to help me with my loads. I mixed it in with some granola and that seemed to work pretty well. You could try that, Paradox. Any progress?

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