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Thread: Streaming Video

  1. #1
    Banned bukkakeboy's Avatar
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    Default Streaming Video

    Heres something I hope someone can get around....Maybe Franklynnxxx....
    I have a pass to a site that has streaming vids....I cannot figure a way to save these to my hard drive.....Maybe there is not a way but I sure would love to give it a shot...

    any help would be appreciated.....


  2. #2
    Expert Vladmyr's Avatar
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    the land of snow and purple rain


    look for an app called HiDownload, that will pull it right to your drive assuming its .wmv or .asf (it won't do .rm I don't think).

    you might have to mess around w/some DRM stuff as well pending the site, but let me know if you need help and we can go from there

  3. #3
    Platinum member
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    I got a funny feeling that someone answered that one here before but I can't find it.

    It was something to do with browser settings to show you where windows writes the name of it's temporary file, which you can then rename and then copy.

    Sorry I don't really know... I would love to know myself.

  4. #4
    Beginner hulayyyy's Avatar
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    Regarding your question about saving embeded videos form sites like YouTube there is an easy way to unembed and save those movies.
    First you have to use Firefox Browser, Then go and download GreaseMonkey from and then install the script to unembed from
    Restart Firefox

    Then you have to go to to the movie you want to save and you will see that near the movie appears a link "download" click it and here is you movie.

    Hope it works, at least I saved a lot of movies this way.

  5. #5
    Expert wifeuser's Avatar
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    Thanks for that suggestion.....

    I've been trying to use the streaming capture programs out there, now that Streambox isn't available anymore. Some of the other ones are a waste of time, especially if you can't find the true (mms: or rmvs) address of the stream, or if mainly the video is embedded. There are programs like URL Snooper 2 that can locate the actual link or stream address, but with some sites, that doesn't work, because the capture programs won't begin to download the stream at all.

    I wanted to know does this solution work with sites like the ones from "All Reality Pass" (ie: Big League Facials; Bang My Wife; etc.) I have been having trouble trying to capture and save the streams from those movies. I've used the old fashioned way of trying to save them in the "Temporary Files" of IE, but the result only comes out in a DAT file that cannot be opened with any known video app or codec. I wanted to capture the whole stream instead of dowloading seperate parts, which do not join together correctly and seamlessly.

    I'm not very familiar with scripting, but I've only used AVI Script (a scripting program) to convert those pain in the ass Real Media files into WMV files which makes it more easy to convert into other forms, or to be reencoded.
    So, I wanted to know if there is an easier way, or an available script I can use (and how to use it) with Greasemonkey. (a brief tutorial would help.....)

    Still, this is a new one for me, and I hope I can learn how to use this one.

  6. #6
    * Verified Member * Sue_Blew_You_Too's Avatar
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    Default Some video clips can't be saved?

    I too stopped my subscription to, although as a Facial-type, I did enjoy Their Customer Service Dept will tell you that their video clips are purposely designed to be ineligible for saving, even from internet temporary files. Anyone know of a way to save them anyway?

  7. #7
    Expert franklynxxx's Avatar
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