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Thread: Italian "Actress" promised to give oral to guys who vote, "no". Says she'll do it!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Italian "Actress" promised to give oral to guys who vote, "no". Says she'll do it!


    Don't know or care what the vote was about but her side won and she's set dates to begin a suck-tour! Says tour will end "before December 2018". She set 10 dates for this coming January in various Italian cities. Lets say she can arrange 10 guys per performance times ten days a month for 24 months...that would be 2400 guys..probably some repeats in there of course.

    Who thinks she'll -actually- go through with it?

    I'm skeptical...but hopeful!

    Fun facts: If she swallowed (?) an average of 3.4ml per guy (about 3/4 a teaspoon) times 2400 would be 8.16 liters or over 2.1 gallons of cum.

    Going by this source: ZZZ

    The nutritional content of that would be:

    Calories 1680
    (7 for ten loads each day of servicing: .35% RDA)

    Fat (unsaturated) 14g
    (.06g for ten loads each day of servicing: .1% RDA)

    Cholesterol 7.2g
    (.03g/30mg for ten loads each day of servicing: One egg has 212 mg)

    Sodium 24,480mg
    (102mg for ten loads each day of servicing: 4.4% RDA)

    Total Carbs 24.4g
    (.1g for ten loads each day of servicing: .07% RDA)

    Protein 410g
    (1.7g for ten loads each day of servicing: 3.6% RDA)

    Zinc 576 mg

    (2.4mg for ten loads each day of servicing: 30% RDA)

    Cut the 2.1 gallon numbers in half and you'll get the nutrition for about one gallon. As you see, if you tried to live off of it you'd need about 2K loads a day (nearly 2 gallons) to get the calories you needed just to sit around, and at 800% + RDA of sodium that would kill ya. So if someone wants to try this they'll have to get most of the salt out first..low-salt cum.

    To get all of the protein you'd need (about 45g) for one day from cum you'd need almost .935 L of cum. (about 275 loads worth) And with that you'll get about 2800 mg of sodium. You'd be at only 192 calories.

    This was fun playing with the math, thanks for reading.
    Last edited by Mike302; 12-06-2016 at 05:49 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Default Hmmmm

    Dude, it's the Sun! Not necessarily the most accurate or truthful of papers 😄

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