Righto, this is my first time posting a thread, so please be nice,

I have a question for the Pixels, or anyone else who might have an idea about the subject.

So here's the story,

I bought a ball gag for my girlfriend from the adult shop, it's one of those rubber foam sort of ones, the ones that sort of remind you of a rubbery stress ball, only problem is when I put it on her for the first time she almost threw up, (and I almost did too when I put it in my mouth to see what she was talking about)
the thing tastes like really bad and really strong petrochemicals, the smell and taste is like someone is pumping petrol into my mouth, and when it is squeezed between the teeth, the fumes are shocking.

My question is, how can we treat this thing, or wash it with something to get the bloody terrible smell and taste out of it so we can use it?

thanks in advance


I do like the look of this one as opposed to those hollow plastic types so I'd like to keep it if possible

