Quote Originally Posted by NaughtyCumslut View Post
I've been debating writing this...but I think it needs to be said. Homegrown material--that produced by your neighbors and that couple standing next to you in line at the grocery store--is what makes this community something special. The people who produce this homemade material put a tremendous amount of work into it, as only people who have done it would know. Aside from the costs of equipment (cameras, lights, computers, editing software, etc) there is the time involved in taking the photos, editing photos and videos, not to mention the real-world risks involved that your family might happen to see your pics online. One of the reason we (the people who produce their own content, ourselves included) do it is for the feedback. We're not attention whores, but some validation would be nice. Everyone likes to be told that their work is appreciated. All women like to be told they're sexy and beautiful, especially when they're posing naked with someone's cum on their face. The comments, to a large degree, are the engine that drives this effort. I just looked through our threads and compared the number of views to the number of comments. On one thread, there were over 82,000 views but only 173 comments. That's 2/10 of one percent. Is it that only .2% of the people who look at our pictures actually like them, or is it maybe that people have become somewhat lazy and don't want to expend the effort that fifteen seconds of typing would entail? If you like the content you see, take a few seconds and let the poster know. You're the one who will ultimately benefit.

Totally agree with your post