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Thread: windows vista

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I have 2 systems running Vista. One is a desktop running Ultimate that I use primarily as a file server. The other is a laptop that we use as our desktop replacement. Bought at the same time. Desktop is home-brew lapto. Both have pretty similar stats, 2GB ram, both AMD procs (admittedly it's a Turion in the laptop, Athalon in the desktop), etc. etc.

    LOVE it on the desktop. Responsive, stable as hell, absolutely zero issue.

    Piece of crap on the laptop. From moment 1, takes forever to boot, everything lags, buggy in things like power/sleep functions. Not much improvement after SP1. When I get the chance, I'm upgrading to XP.

    YMMV, but I have heard that it's particularly problematic on laptops w/mobile processors like mine.

  2. #12


    If I can make a suggestion,do a clean boot on the laptop,it will make a big difference.I am running the same basic laptop you are and it really helped.

  3. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by franklynxxx View Post
    There is a recovery option available that you must have to confidently repair
    a trashed or dead system. Read about it here _

    The site itself has two versions available, one for a 32 bit system ( why would
    anyone run Vista on a 32 bit system, Vista operates lousy on anything thats
    not 64 bit ) and one for 64 bit systems.

    I have the 32 bit system,how do I upgrade to 64 bit?

  4. #14
    Expert franklynxxx's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by safn1949 View Post
    I have the 32 bit system,how do I upgrade to 64 bit?
    Can't, you need to buy a system already that way.
    All the latest computers are 64 bit, I doubt there are
    very many 32 bit computers remaining, although you
    can still obtain 32 bit processors's pretty cheap.
    I have a legacy dual processor 32 bit system which
    has a socket for each processor. Now, dual and even
    high end four processor chips plug into a single socket.
    All 64 bit of course.


    An issue not apparent to the casual computer user that is not aware of the technical
    design specifications of computer platforms is that most software currently available is
    32 bit, while current computers and their operating system are 64 bit
    . This is reminiscent
    of the days in the early and mid 90's of the transition from the initial 16 bit computers
    and software to 32 bit computers and software ( 386 and 486 chips, before pentium ).
    While operating systems such as Win 98 was capable of running both 32 bit and 16 bit
    code natively, since it was coded in both 16 and 32 bit, this presented the problem of
    essentially having two incompatible operating systems operating simulataneously, 16 bit
    DOS and 32 bit Windows. The subsequent transition to the Win NT platform of which XP
    is just a variant, changed to all 32 bit operation in which 16 bit code is converted into
    32 bit code on the fly while it is run. The NT, XP, operating system cannot run 64 bit
    software ( an exeption would be Win 2000 server which is a 64 bit variant of NT ).

    Another matter is that processor speeds have not appreciably improved at the same time.
    A 64 bit system running 32 bit software must additionally compile ( change ) the 32 bit
    code into 64 bit code to run. The 32 bit system just runs it natively, this extra work load
    at the same processor speed explains the slowdown experienced. You can run a 32 bit
    operating system on a 64 bit system but the processor type will determine the actual
    performance, some do it better than others again due to the extra load to adjust the
    code stream. Here is the breakdown _
    32 bit processor - - will not run 64 bit software or operating system.
    64 bit porcessor - - - - will run 32 bit software & operating system ( your mileage will vary )
    64 bit processor - intended for 64 bit software and operating system.


    safn1949 _ wrote to me asking " how do yo tell if the system is 32 or 64 bit? "

    You can find out by going to Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> System.
    Click Start. Type system in the Start Search box.

    This will interrogate your system and tell you all thats relevant about it
    also to ID hardware
    this specifically identifies your processor

    More background

    Last edited by franklynxxx; 06-16-2008 at 08:52 AM.

  5. #15


    OK,now my head hurts. Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this,I do indeed have a 32 bit system and I will study the links and info you have included.

  6. #16


    Ummm. I have a laptop that appears to be 64 bit
    (AMD Athlon 64 x 2) but my Vista as supplied with it is only the 32 bit version.

    Will I be better off with a 64 bit version of Vista .. is there such a thing?

  7. #17
    Expert franklynxxx's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by elgrego View Post
    Ummm. I have a laptop that appears to be 64 bit
    (AMD Athlon 64 x 2) but my Vista as supplied with it is only the 32 bit version.

    Will I be better off with a 64 bit version of Vista .. is there such a thing?
    Don't be so lazy, the answer is in those links I provided to safn1949 above

    More background

    Read here -> " Can I upgrade from a 32-bit version of Windows to a 64-bit version of Windows? "

    But since you need to be spoon fed put on your bib
    Short answer _

    Most hardware like software still runs 32 bit drivers, you really need 64 bit drivers
    to run well and only the newest latest most expensive devices are equiped to run
    this way. Budget computers and especially laptops ( which are usually a generation
    behind desktops ) are made of the more common mundane hardware.


  8. #18


    I consider myself chastened.

    Having read all the info now, I shall remain with 32 bit Vista.

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