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Thread: Replies to Threads......a must

  1. #11
    Expert docsutt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Default Well put

    I really agree, nicely written, succint and to the point. Cheers

  2. #12
    Expert flayde's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Manchester, UK

    Default Agreed

    Well said English. Yeah it does make a difference when you've put work into aquiring, editing and uploading a movie and people who've enjoyed it say thanks. If you've downloaded it you should and i'm sure all the quality posters of movies AND pics we have on FF would agree.

    However, I do remember getting on the soapbox myself concerning this issue on the previous FF forums. I think there are those who, because they pay for platinum, feel like they don't need to contribute. Even if thats just a small show of appreciation towards another paying member. Sadly seems the nature of the beast.


  3. #13
    Virgin Patchems411's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Default We are guilty

    we are sorry about not doing more to say thank you my wife and I have enjoyed this site very much and we like seeing the "real" pics from the people who take the time to make them and have enjoyed the response we get from our own home made pics and just wanted to say sorry we will try and make a better effort to say thank you ............... EMS

  4. #14
    Platinum member The Shape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    right behind you


    it just took me 3 seconds to type this reply, a comment for a downloaded post would take even less.... i type fast

    the shape

  5. #15
    Expert goboy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006


    I must agree in priciple, but realistically, with thousand's of subscribers to the Forum, we would all be overwhelmed if even one third replied. To those that respond: We thank you for your graciousness. For those who don't, we're thick-skinned enough not to be offended or put out. We know you all like facials and cum. That's why you're here. Sometimes, you just want to watch and be left alone. It's all good, man!

  6. #16
    Virgin Novellman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Exclamation Do not agree

    I do not agree with the "must" reply.
    Most of the replies given now are really spontaneous and that is a lot nicer I think.

    A while ago there was a topic about people who only look, but don't post. If we all do more posting, then there is much more to look at.
    I do agree with banning people who do not post anything.

    I think we all appreciate the hard work of the posters, and I would especially like to thank all couples who post their private photos / movies . A private photo is a lot nicer than the proffesional shoots.
    I would like to post some, but my wife would kill me

  7. #17
    Platinum member The Shape's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    right behind you


    Quote Originally Posted by english_cohf View Post
    Right I wasn’t going to say this but I now think its time.

    (Out with the soap box)

    Please have the common decency to reply to the threads the members post.
    If you download it then say thank you.
    If you like it click on the scales icon below the posters name and add to his or her reputation.
    The same if you don’t like it…………………
    Some of the posters here share their own personal pictures and the least they deserve is a thank you…………

    Example SaraK….. has posted loads and loads of her own pictures over 2000 people have viewed them but she has only had a handful of comments

    Other platinum members have spent hours uploading massive files 100meg+ to share with you all and they get 1 or 2 thank you’s

    So come on if your lurking and dragging off the porn, then fine I hope you enjoy it, but please spare 2 minutes and reply if you like it, and get out of the lurking circle the posters love to see replies, it makes us feel good , that at least somebody liked the post.

    So don’t forget, if you download say thanks and make the poster feel wanted.

    Its only manners you know
    And for anyone who thinks I am the only one who ever brings this topic up, I thought I should bump this thread.

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