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Thread: How To Upload Pictures

  1. #1
    Senior Moderator spence's Avatar
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    Oct 2005

    Default How To Upload Pictures

    Have found that some people are posting live link images in the free section,not from malice but from not knowing how to upload their pics correctly.

    Not only is this against the rules of the forum and can cause problems with viruses but is more complicated.

    This is a guide where i will explain how to upload your pics here in the correct way.

    I will try to explain this as clearly as i can,if there is anything you dont understand here or if you come across anything that i might explain differently please PM me.

    Click on the relevant section you want to post your pics in,click on New Thread at the top left above the previous posts.

    In the widow with Title above it type in the name you want to give your new post,below in the larger window you can add a description or comment you want people to see above your pics.

    Once your happy with your description scroll down and click on Manage Attachments,a window will now open on your top left called Manage Attachments with 10 browse buttons on it.

    Click on the 1st Browse button,this will open a folder on your computer,navigate to the folder you have your pics and either doubleclick it or highlight it and click open.

    The pic you clicked will then be uploaded in the first window,you then move onto the browse below it and repeat the above until all ten browse buttons are full or you have uploaded all you want to post at this time.

    Then click on the upload button next to the last browse button,your pics will then be uploaded,this may take a moment depending on the size of your pics and the speed of your connection.

    Once it has uploaded your pics the browse buttons will empty and your pics will appear below under the wording Current Attachments,you can now go back to the 1st browse button and upload more pics until all you have to upload are done.

    When all the pics for your post have been uploaded scroll down the Manage Attachments and at the bottom click on close window.

    Your uploads will be lined up above the Manage Attachments button you clicked earlier,scroll down and click on Submit New Thread.

    You will then see your pics load in your new post.

    If you are not creating your own Thread and just want to add pics to someone elses thread click on Post Reply at the bottom of the thread and upload your pics in the above way,just this time dont add a title but just in the larger window give a brief description or comment.

    Hope this helps everyone who wants to make that 1st post.

    If anybody would like additional help with a problem they are having posting or think i have made any mistakes here please pm me and i will either revise this giude or send you a message.


  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Thanks for the Info, it is appreciated

  3. #3
    Banned karakara's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    i can't freakin get it

  4. #4
    Expert biGGie's Avatar
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    Oct 2005
    Manchester UK


    Hi karakara,

    Just noticed that you managed to sort it as you uploaded a picture!! Very impressed I am too

    Just to tie things in for others who may be having problems, another alternative to Spence's excellent guide is available at,

  5. #5
    Expert user46's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    new york


    Help needed.

    I can't figure out how to upload a clip into a message.

    When I click on Manage Attachments I don't get the screen you describe. I get a flash of light for approx 1/16th of a second, across the whole screen, then nothing.

    Also if you can face it please could you explain very simply to me how to get a jpeg capture off an mpeg so I can post preview stills? Lots of programs have been recommended to me by members but not ONE of them actually tells you in simple English how to do this.

    I'd really appreciate it.

  6. #6
    Expert cyberjiz's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Default upload problem

    I'm sure your tired of this question but I've tried to upload
    simple pictures, following your directions, without success.
    Each time the file manager tells me that the file is invalid.
    I have tired renaming them as jpeg's and giving them
    file names as 001 002 etc still no luck. I have even tried
    changing the jpegs to a different format. I can only conclude
    that the file manager is not compatable with my Mac
    operating system. If there is a fix I would like to know about
    it. Thanks for your consideration in providing me with
    some help in this effort.

  7. #7
    Expert Vladmyr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    the land of snow and purple rain


    Quote Originally Posted by cyberjiz View Post
    I'm sure your tired of this question but I've tried to upload
    simple pictures, following your directions, without success.
    Each time the file manager tells me that the file is invalid.
    I have tired renaming them as jpeg's and giving them
    file names as 001 002 etc still no luck. I have even tried
    changing the jpegs to a different format. I can only conclude
    that the file manager is not compatable with my Mac
    operating system. If there is a fix I would like to know about
    it. Thanks for your consideration in providing me with
    some help in this effort.
    I use a mac and upload all kinds of files, are you uploading standard .jpgs or what kind of files are you trying to upload? The .001, .002 etc.. are for hj-split files so you shouldn't need to rename them. What browser and os are you using?

  8. #8
    Beginner cummer89's Avatar
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    Jan 2009


    I canīt create my own user picture, they are all not accepted. What can I do??
    Thanks for help!

  9. #9
    Senior Moderator spence's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    i think you mean your avatar ?

    this has to be a certain size before you try to upload it to the forum,you will have to make the pic smaller till it fits the sites size for avatars.

    Not a PLATINUM MEMBER? Click HERE to join.

    Want to verify correctly,click

    Please take a look at our rules
    HERE Cant get HJsplit to work,please look HERE

  10. #10
    Beginner cummer89's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    thanks for answering me but it doesnīt work eigher because "upload of file failed". What can I do because Iīve tried many different pictures and none of them were accepted

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