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Thread: Finding Escorts in the Age After Craigslist

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Finding Escorts in the Age After Craigslist

    Once upon a time, escorts found independence and a somewhat better life. A sociologist in who was studying pimps in New York found that all of them were out of the business in a few years--escorts didn't need them. That was the Craigslist Age.

    Then came the crackdown that made many escorts into streetwalkers and made pimping profitable again.

    Do any decent resources exist for escorts who don't charge $400 an hour? Are they using apps now, or are there any websites that are at all reliable? Where can an escort post these days and actually get clients?

  2. #2
    Expert bayforrest's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Default Good question... was also an excellent platform for finding "casual encounters", for people who just wanted to fuck around. Couples looking for couples or bulls, guys looking for girls, girls looking for guys, guys looking for guys, girls looking for girls.... Where to look now?

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