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Thread: Hiya folks!

  1. #21
    Virgin dream314's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Osh_ View Post
    That would be no problem at all. Not being able to update sucks. I'll start posting goodies back here at FF as soon as I'm in a place I can update again, just remind me your a returning member and I'll make sure to set you up a promo code. This goes for anyone who's a returning member, from anywhen!

    Members have always been what drove my site. The only reason I charge anything is to help support my facial habit
    Awesome. Much appreciated. Best of luck with the whole job situation... man, looking for a job SUCKS!

  2. #22
    Platinum member Gunslinger-Mike's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    I loved this stuff back then but lost all of it due to a hard drive crash. If anybody has some of it left I would love to see it again ...
    "My sweetheart since junior high left me and married my best friend since junior high. We're all still friends. They're one of those happy couples that likes to take pictures of themselves and hang 'em up all over their goddamn house. Sometimes I go over there just to look at my ex-fiancee doing all the things I used to do with her with my best friend. It's nice having friends."

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