Sometimes when uploads are really big it is necessary to upload some parts with a .zip extension, since the forum does not allow file extensions over .015. This does not mean the files are zipped, they just have a different extension. I noticed a lot of user run into problems with renaming these files, so I decided to make a little tutorial.

This version ONLY works for users with Windows Vista, but I guess it's almost the same in other versions of Windows.

Anyways, the standard setting in Windows is that it does not show file extensions of files it recognizes, thus we need to change that setting. Follow these steps.

The file you wanna rename probably looks like this. No .zip extension can be seen, so we gonna have to change the setting so that it does turn up.

Click Tools and folder options, as can be seen in the screenshot.

Now click the view tab, it should look the same as the screenshot. Find the hide know file extensions tick box and untick it. Click ok when you're done.

Your file will look like this now, with a .zip extension.