For those of us who like to save up and or cook with cum I think we should come up with a thickening agent.

I recall somewhere on this board a topic of "whipped cum" and I'd like to expand on that.

We know that saved cum doesn't stay gooey and is more water like. We also know the flavor gets stronger with age and it takes a long time to save up.

So we could use a substance that when mixed with cum:

- Increases the volume (even if just by 50%)
- Does not overshadow the cum flavor (although if it enhances it or dilutes it some to taste that would be fine)
- Does not do weird things to the texture (for example make it grainy)
- Does not alter the color much (we'd like to keep it white/opaque/clear/yellow/pearl)

Could it be as simple as whip cream? Confectioners sugar? Skim milk? Heavy cream? Vodka? A small amount of poached egg white perhaps? A combination of ingredients?

C'mon lets brain storm!