Who doesn't like something for free? Nobody that's who. Free stuff is great and you feel good. Denny's will give you a free meal if it's your birthday, you get comped in Vegas...sweet Your friend gave you a free donut this morning? Tasted even sweeter because it was free.

In the real world things cost money. I know it sucks, free is much more fun and feels like you are getting over on someone which can also feel good.

The forum isn't free to run though. Costs money to keep these servers going with all the content here. Consider the staff here volunteers, because that is what they are essentially. Sometimes it takes help from a whole community to keep said community moving forward, that is why I posted this little message.

Take a moment to consider joining the platinum section, it keeps all the free stuff....well...free. Also keep in mind that with all the great content compared to what it cost you...it will seem like you got something for....free