
Me and my girlfriend have been making our own homemade porn movies almost since we got together. Everytime we put a lot of effort into shooting a scene so it becomes as professional as possible. I have a filmmaking background so I try hard to get the lighting, camera and editing right. I also write the screenplays and my girlfriend spends much time doing her hair and make-up right. So I think by now we are professionally on par with real pornsites out there but we choose to keep it for personal use.

For a while now we're fantasizing and talked a lot about a threesome with another girl. But because doing a regular threesome may become to intimate and get out of control if the third member starts breaking boundaries, we think it's better to have this in a scripted filmshoot with a payed professional pornstar that shows respect to the couples' boundaries. The script and camera also can be a good buffer.

Problem is, we live in Belgium (Europe) and it seams hard to find a pornstar here. although porn is much more accepted socially here in Europe then in the USA, it seems much harder to find young pornstars (between 18 and 25 years old) then in USA, especially in Belgium or the Netherlands. So you quickly and up with 40+ year old women which we're not interested in. What we want is a young innocent looking girl.

So our question is: what's the best place to look for a girl that might be willing to do a porn scene with a couple for a descent price? I know there are these sex job websites but I'm afraid that most woman will be older or a little freaky. We also think a lot of girls that are open minded toward doing porn will never go on such websites. I don't know how a lot of pornstars start out. Either way we're not comfortable to just walk up to a hot girl and ask her strait like maybe some porn producers do. Maybe modeling or webcam websites?

If you have experience or thoughts...advice is always welcome. Thanks!