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Thread: Help required and will be appreciated!!

  1. #1
    Expert wannabedogger's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Help required and will be appreciated!!

    My main Pc (desktop) has frozen. I tried to complete f10 recovery and after it had completed it is still frozen on Windows xp start page, it doesnt do anything? light is flashing and whirring noise as though something is happening but never starts.
    I assume that it may mean my Hard drive has crashed? or that its knackered/broken.
    If anyone can help I would be really grateful, am using laptop that i dont use for ahem! adult purposes normally.

    Also i assume that even if I can get the thing to work again I will have lost all my files, pics/vids etc on old pc?? All my stuff lost......aargh!!!!!

    Thabk everyone xxx wannabe

  2. #2
    Expert franklynxxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Don't despair your files are fine just not immediately accessible. You can always use another
    Windows installation on another hard drive or more easily a so called "live" CD to access and
    back up or restore your personal files. See >
    and also >

    I doubt your current hard drive is in trouble or you would not even see the windows welcome
    screen. Windows cannot seem to find enough of itself to bootup. This happens when essential
    files are strayed.

    Now is there one hard drive , two , is it raid , do you have more than one partition , have you
    just installed aother drive or a cd player , why do you believe techies like to play guess what
    I'm thinking ?
    It's not clear what you imply by " I tried to complete f10 recovery and after it had completed "
    If this is peculiar to Dell or Apple I know nothing about that. The windows recovery console
    requires booting with the Windows Install CD. After the files are loaded into memory at the
    "Welcome to Setup" screen, press F10 or press "R" to repair. This is not automatic , now you
    must do the repair. If you only have the one partition at the dos prompt type this > fixboot C:
    See >
    Fixboot command

    I assume that you have completed windows activation since you will not be able to startup
    if the 30 day term has expired. All the same if fixboot does not improve the situation you
    can "repair" install windows again. Select this option when you boot from the Windows install
    CD. You will lose some of your configured settings but everything should come back online
    as it was before.

  3. #3
    Administrator SimonKemp's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    I am real gratefull that you are here franklyn!

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