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Thread: Announcement (Concerning Dolls)

  1. #11
    Expert umbersun's Avatar
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    Well, if it's decided than it's decided! I understand that you are worried about the integrity of the forum but I still can't see what this new rule can change. You say that that material can atract people who are into pedophilie but I don't believe so but even if it does what's the problem? Who knows there are already some here and we never noticed. I don't believe they would post that kind of stuff here so they are no harm. But that's ok for me, I don't agree but I can live with that. No heart feelings with you guys and I hope this forum lasts for a long time the way it is.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by umbersun View Post
    Well, if it's decided than it's decided! I understand that you are worried about the integrity of the forum but I still can't see what this new rule can change. You say that that material can atract people who are into pedophilie but I don't believe so but even if it does what's the problem? Who knows there are already some here and we never noticed. I don't believe they would post that kind of stuff here so they are no harm. But that's ok for me, I don't agree but I can live with that. No heart feelings with you guys and I hope this forum lasts for a long time the way it is.

    Thanks for the polite words. It's indeed a tough decision and honestly it could go either way based on how you perceive it. It's hard to find that line where you keep things fair and uncensored and also safe. In this instance the safest bet was for the removal of such content.

  3. #13
    Administrator SimonKemp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cognito View Post
    Do I need to change my avatar?
    I just love you cognito me old mucker!
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  4. #14
    Expert goboy's Avatar
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    I don't get off on dolls, so I couldn't care less about this matter. But why are these threads still active after the imposition of Rule 16?

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by goboy View Post
    I don't get off on dolls, so I couldn't care less about this matter. But why are these threads still active after the imposition of Rule 16?
    I hate to seem confusing, but what the rule applies to is a doll/toy which was marketed, produced and aimed towards children, not adults. Those figurines feature nudity as well as being geared for an older audience. I do not believe they fall under the rule.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Mac23 View Post
    Moderators it looks like you have a dillemma. Are they marketed exclusively to adults?

    Please review the dolls the following thread links to. I won't continue to put links on the forum. I am only doing this to show a couple of Barbies that are not aimed at children at all. Please convince me that the 'target market' for these dolls that Mattell has in mind is pre-pubescent, pubescent, or teenage girls. My bet is that these are aimed at adults.

    Here are those links. In the 'spirit' of not being a "dictatorship" please allow these links to be viewed.

    Your job as moderators does involve censorship. Be careful of what parameters you choose. I hope you leave the other thread up! however I will always view that choice as inappropriate and hypocritical if in fact you choose to leave it. You are setting a precarious precedent. I wish you wisdom in that process.
    Please don't make this anymore confusing than it has to be. Barbies were originally created and manufactured for children. Bratz, surprisingly enough, were created and aimed at becoming Barbies competition. Sure, you have those adults out there who will collect items such as Barbies for their value or as a hobby.

    The issue @ hand is that Barbies, as well as Bratz are predominantly a childs toy. I have stated many times why the rule was put in place. I will check the links you've posted and take everything into consideration. Either way, decisions are made based on the views of every moderator, so my drawn conclusions and decisions doesn't reflect what may actually happen. We censor the same things that would likewise be censored by any government up to and including illegal activity and while that isn't the case here, the decision is to stop something from ever manifesting itself.

    EDIT: I reviewed the links. The same reason why Barbies such as this are created is the same idea behind play stoves and playing dress up. To allow the child to envision themselves as an older person or so as to act grown up. Toys/Dolls are not marketed nor designed for grown ups. Which doesn't mean adults cannot collect them, but they certainly aren't designed for adults to play with. That is not to say that anyone acting out a fantasy with dolls or figures is different. Of course not, it's a niche/fetish, everyone has them. Some suit us better than others, but the point in this decision was to shield the forum from anything that could potentially arise from linking a sexual act with a childs toy especially those who may join in on the forum who unlike you, take the idea a little further and converse with others in distributing and discussing illegal activity and using as their underground.

    It was mainly these few things that the decision was based upon.

  7. #17
    Expert valenuk1's Avatar
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    Right peeps, lets put this whole discussion into perspective.

    The catalyst for the recent decision was a post that was made in the free section (which has since been removed) of some guy cuming over a child's doll. You know the ones...the 'life-like' sized dolls which cry if not picked up and their eyes shut when laid down.....

    Because of their very close resemblence to ACTUAL children, in both size & context etc, we felt that that kind of post was totally inappropriate & not welcome here at all.

    The same therefore has to apply total to ALL & ANY posts which portray 'cum on' commercial products that are desgined, manufactured & sold solely for the use of children. We can not be caught cold footed so to speak on this issues, hence why this decision has been taken, which we fully appreciate will not be liked by all.

    We all have the right to question & debate what happens here, hell it one of the most important things that we do, as a community of like minded fiends.

    There are some issues however that we have to take a stand on. Please therefore consider this to be one of those issues.

    Respects peeps....

    Senior Moderator
    Last edited by valenuk1; 07-08-2008 at 10:14 PM.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Well, I never had the chance to post on this forum but I will now.
    I'll start by saying that nobody banned S&M because it leads to violence as far as I know...
    So I have to disagree with your decision. There are many shades of gray to this ban such as the "age" of the doll involved, but I think you are banning the whole "grayscale" for the "very dark" stuff! You took it upon yourself to catalog everything concerning dolls as "dangerous" so people might consider taking the same short-minded approach and call your decision bullshit.
    I'm on the fringe of saying that even if I totally agree with the deletion of the child-doll thread, but instead I'll just kindly ask you to delete my account/ban it/whatever, I'll try and find other sources for my fetish...

  9. #19


    True Stinky, but the same thing can be said about many things. Like how we aren't banning guns because people kill with them. They do have there legitimate uses, and I know there were some people who were really into this fetish that we have here. The problem is that, if the right person has a misconception about what that fetish is about or misinterprets what it's really about and stood for (A Fetish) then we could all presumably suffer. The forum cannot afford for that gun to go off even once.

    While there are a lot of dynamics to the issue, with many more positives to the fetish than real negatives, we cannot afford for the one or two negatives to be used or viewed in the wrong light.

  10. #20
    Expert jzzr's Avatar
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    I'd like to highlight the most important part of this entire thread, which will hopefully bring some understanding to more people:

    Quote Originally Posted by valenuk1 View Post
    The catalyst for the recent decision was a post that was made in the free section (which has since been removed) of some guy cuming over a child's doll. You know the ones...the 'life-like' sized dolls which cry if not picked up and their eyes shut when laid down.....
    Because of their very close resemblence to ACTUAL children, in both size & context etc, we felt that that kind of post was totally inappropriate & not welcome here at all.

    The idea was not to "crack down" on anyone, or that the mods here enjoy creating and enforcing more rules. It is a pre-emptive ass-covering on an issue we suddenly realized could become a serious problem.

    The simple fact is this: child porn is wrong, fucked-up, and illegal. The kind of thing even most criminals find utterly reprehensible.

    A lifelike child doll being used for a sexual act is so close in representation to the above that we found it completely disturbing. After all, if it can be argued that cumming on (or just to) images of a woman is simply a substitution for the women herself (or a similar woman)...then the same goes for images of children. Whatever form they take. And with children, this is not a tolerable option.

    The decision to ban all sexualized doll imagery may seem like stretching it to some people, but it is simply to make life easier for all concerned. Admittedly other dolls become more of a grey area, but we need to make the rule simple to follow and enforce.

    Sorry this has upset some members, but in actuality this sort of content is not the real focus of the forum. For live real women of legal age getting cum facials, this is still one of the best places on the net. Let's get back to that and try to put this behind us. Thanks.

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