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Thread: Colours, icons , what are they good for?

  1. #1
    Expert ronaldbr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Between now and never

    Default Colours, icons , what are they good for?

    The colour of the user names and their meaning:

    User name colour
    Subtitle Meaning
    Grey (Virgin): Free member without any posts. Only access to the free section.
    Grey (Beginner): Free member with a few posts.
    Grey (Expert): Free member with 100 or more posts.
    Brown (WebMaster) A member affiliated to a different on topic website.
    Green (Platinum member): A member with an additional subscription to the Platinum section. See: Subscriptions
    * Green * (Platinum plus member): A member with an additional subscription to the Platinum section and the Facial Archive. See: Subscriptions
    Green (Honorary life Platinum member): A truly rare status given to very few members for exceptional contributions within the forum. This award is issued only by Admins, and is given out at their discretion.
    * Verified Member * Members who have proven they are genuine. See: How to verify
    Red (Moderator): The guys and girls who keep the forum clean, enforce the rules and answer questions to name a few things.
    Red (Senior Moderator) Is an experienced moderator.
    Black (Administrator) Keeps this forum alive and kicking.

    A dot next to the user name represents the current status of the member. user-offline.pnga user if off-line and user-online.png means the user is on-line.
    Clicking on the name shows you some more options :

    profile.png View profile. Some more information about this member can be read in the userprofile.
    message.png Private message. Use this option to send an message to a user in private.
    add.png Add as contact. When you want to keep in touch with a member you can add this user as contact. Not available in some cases.
    forum.png Forum posts. Like to see what else this user has posted? This button shows a full list.
    reputation_pos.png Reputation level. The more green dots, the more reputation was given to this member.

    Buttons at the bottom of the post

    reputation-40b.png Give reputation to a user. When you really like a post you can add reputation points to a user with this button.
    report-40b.png Report a post. When a post contains unwanted content e.g. spam, abusive language or other violation of our rules, press this button. A message is sent to the staff and we can take action.
    edit_40b.png Edit post: Only visible on your own posts. When you want to edit your post, just click this button.
    quote_40b.png Quote post. When you want to reply on a post and like to have the text in the reply, use this button.
    multiquote-back_40b.png Multi quote post. Multiply quoted posts in one reply.
    Last edited by ronaldbr; 10-28-2013 at 01:15 PM.

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