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Thread: HJSplit program+guides

  1. #1

    Default HJSplit program+guides

    HJSplit is a p freeware file-splitting program, which you definitely need here at FF!!!

    HJSplit can split a file of any type and size into smaller parts. Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored.

    HJSplit is very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file. This means that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.
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  2. #2
    Senior Moderator spence's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    here is a guide for operating hj split


    i am at my desktop,go to my documents where i saved the hj split program and double click the unzipped folder,it will then open up and show me the hj split program,it has a black tick for a logo.

    double click it and the hj split green box opens up,should be 6 boxes to choose from,i click on join,a purple box opens up entitled ,file join, click on input file,i then navigate to where ive saved the hj split files,in this case in my documents folder.

    double click on the folder where you saved you files or if they were just saved to your documents folder just click on the file that should be similar in name to the files you downloaded,there should only be one file,even though you may have saved 10 files you will only see one at this stage,this is hj split compacting the files ready for you to join.

    once you double click or highlight and click open it will take you back to the purple file join window,hj split will automatically save the joined file in the same place you saved all the hj split files.

    now click on start,you will see a box saying working and a bar working its way to the end,when finished it will say joining complete,click on ok.

    now click on close on the file join box,then click on exit on the green main hj split box,click on your sure you want to exit.

    now go back into the same folder where you saved the hj split files ,you should now see the hj split files,plus a playable video file.

    click on it and it should play for you.


    here we will split files,for you members who want to upload vids to the forum and want to keep the quality of your vids.

    double click on the hj split black tick icon,you will have the 6 option grenn window again,click on split.

    a red window entitled file split will open,click on input file,navigate to the file that you want to split,double click or highlight and open.

    below the input file box you will see a split file size box,the forum only allows a maximum of 20 Mbytes per file size,i allways make my files 19 Mbytes because sometimes the files can increase slightly after splitting.

    type in 19 meg into the box,then in the box next to it click on the down arrow and switch Kbytes to Mbytes.

    as with joining hj split will automatically split your files in the same place as your original vid.

    click on start,as before you will see a box working its way to the end,once finshed it will say splitting complete.

    close hj split down then navigate to the folder that your original file plus your now split files are,depending on the size of your original vid you will have a small or large collection of vids,make a folder and entitle it with the name of the vid and type hj split files after it,this will make it easier when you are uploading the files later.

    i hope i have covered everything,if you have any problems ot there is something your not sure of please post here or pm me or any of our other mods,we will be glad to help.


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    HERE Cant get HJsplit to work,please look HERE

  3. #3


    Mac OS X users: MacHacha is a good alternative

    Seems I cannot post attachments in this part of the forum, so I won't be sharing machacha.dmg like I had planned, but I guess you could Google it. It'd be practical to have it available via the software corner though, as I'm sure there's a fair amount of Mac users on here, too. And MacHacha is by far the best hj splitter/joiner for OS X I've come across.

    /End random tech shit

    I've posted the machacha.dmg here for all the mac users out there
    Just unzip the folder
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    Last edited by elgrego; 12-27-2008 at 12:59 AM. Reason: uploaded the file

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Now that I think that I need this, I have to get it downloaded, and then make it work on my puter.

    One small step for baybabe, one giant leap backwards for mankind lol

    oh well shit happens!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by spence View Post
    here is a guide for operating hj split

    Thank you so much JohnLaw and Spence for posting here. This helped me figure out what the hell I had to do, as I had so totally no clue. Now I have it all sussed out.


  6. #6
    Platinum member
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    Dec 2013

    Default hj split

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnLaw View Post
    HJSplit is a p freeware file-splitting program, which you definitely need here at FF!!!

    HJSplit can split a file of any type and size into smaller parts. Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored.

    HJSplit is very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file. This means that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.
    i have tried several times to download hj split and it never works.i have a windows 7 computer.i download it and save it in documents like you say to do.then when i double click it like you say to do my km player opens up and i get the same km player page that i always get whenever km player cant play a vid.a "warning " message pops up saying "troubleshooting" on the bottom left and "update codecs" on the bottom right of message.its a real shame that people keep uploading videos in hj split sure half of FF members are experiencing the same problem i am and therefore can only view half of the material on FF.i have sent you this message before and you replied but i have never been able to fix this problem.

  7. #7
    Virgin kebot's Avatar
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    Dec 2007

    Default Unable to join files on mac


    I recently upgraded to platinum and can't get files to join using either HJ Split, or MaChacha.

    When I was a platinum member a few years ago I had the same trouble and eventually solved it with some help. I've been working with these programs and files for the last 2 hours with no luck. Can anyone help please?

  8. #8
    Platinum member
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    Dec 2013

    Default hjsplit sucks

    Quote Originally Posted by kebot View Post

    I recently upgraded to platinum and can't get files to join using either HJ Split, or MaChacha.

    When I was a platinum member a few years ago I had the same trouble and eventually solved it with some help. I've been working with these programs and files for the last 2 hours with no luck. Can anyone help please?
    i feel for you guy.i have never been able to make hj split work either.i bet if the owner of FF new how many customers got disgusted with not being able to view half of the material on FF and left to never return he would stop allowing people to upload videos using hj split.

  9. #9
    Platinum member
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    I was never able to use it either. I'm just tech challanged I guess. What I don't understand is this; I believe HJ is used to join large files, broken down to 20mb each and then joined. Lots of videos only have two files totaling about 30 - 40mb. But then I see some posts where the file is in one piece and could be 50-150mb. Why is that file not broken down where the others must be? I have given up on HJ, just curious as to why some are that way.

  10. #10
    Virgin kebot's Avatar
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    Dec 2007


    Well this is disappointing news.... If I can't download and view movies, then what's the point of going platinum?

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