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Thread: Increasing cum volume

  1. #21
    Expert Butterman's Avatar
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    Exclamation Increase semen quantity (etc...)

    Here's a post which has been edited, commented upon, and does help a bit if you have the dicipline...

    Of all the various aspects of the male human body, few are as variable from individual to individual as semen. The color, texture, and quantity — not to mention the force of ejaculation — vary greatly. Based on outward appearance we are all amazingly similar: virtually everyone has eyes, ears, a nose, and a mouth in the same place. But semen just doesn't work that way.
    Just like penis size, ejaculation volume and force are highly variable from individual to individual. Most guys want to ejaculate more semen with more force.
    If you've done exercises like Kegels For Men, yes, it may have increased your distance — but probably not your volume. There's a *huge* variation from person to person with regard to ejaculation force as well as volume, and neither has anything to do with anything important (such as having children).

    A lot of guys would love it if they could make like one of the characters in Scary Movie and ejaculate so much that they plaster their girlfriends against the ceiling. And although that won't likely be happening anytime soon, it's believed that wheat germ increases seminal output. Bon appétit.
    (Butter's note: I only tried it once and it thickened my load like I've rarely seen before. Eat with oatmeal for better results)

    Amino acids, if taken regularly, are generally believed to increase ejaculate fluid. On the other hand, zinc seems to improve both the amount of sperm produced as well as the sperm's ability to move spontaneously and independently. Together with amino acids, this will increase normal sperm count and volume significantly.
    Amino acids are believed to increase ejaculate fluid (not the amount of actual sperm necessarily) if taken regularly. Some amino acids include:

    Studies show sperm and semen volume doubles, fertility improves (even among men with low sperm counts or poor sperm motility), and sperm health and activity increase with supplementation. Arginine is found in high concentrations in nuts and seeds like peanuts and almonds. It can also be found in chocolate and raisins. Some Natural Sources: Nuts, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, chocolate, popcorn, raisins, brown rice, carob, gelatin desserts, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and protein rich foods.

    Researchers find that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.

    Sometimes called "horny goat weed," this botanical boosts libido and testosterone levels for greater sperm production for a strong ejaculation.

    Has been shown to increase number of sperm and sperm motility by 80% to 200% by aiding testosterone synthesis.

    This amino acid is found in high concentrations in healthy sperm. Proven to significantly increase the percentage of highly motile sperm.

    Brazilian herb that strengthens the libido, and nourishes the entire male reproductive system.

    Supports prostate health and hormonal production. While they may not readily increase sperm volume, they do enhance prostate health and testosterone production.

    Legendary South American botanical proven to promote libido, potency and energy.

    Ginseng Y
    ohimbe bark
    Vitamin C, E
    (Butter's note: Lecithin added daily increases amount, not thickness)

    Zinc has been shown to improve both the amount of sperm you produce and the sperm's ability to move spontaneously and independently. Coupled with amino acids (see above), this will increase sperm volume significantly.
    (Butter's note: Not as miraculous as they make it sound, but regular zinc intake (50mgs a day) does increase quantity somewhat.)

    Whatever a pill company's claims are, you can probably do just as well with zinc and lecithin supplements. (Use zinc supplements in moderation; too much zinc intake can be dangerous.) For some guys, these nutrients do have a noticeable effect on ejaculation volume, and they're a lot cheaper and easier to get. In general, stay away from mail-order pills sold by less-than-reputable companies; you really don't know what's in them, and their claims are almost always untrue or at least greatly exaggerated.

    PC Exercises:
    While Kegel exercises can help you last longer, they can also aid in increasing sperm volume. There are a host of exercises you can do to keep your penis in great shape and shoot like a champion.
    (Butter's note: PC muscle exercises have proven to help reduce prostate troubles in advancing age, but I have yet to see improvements in my ejaculate's volume through this method)

    Frequency of sexual activity also contributes to volume -- although only to a certain degree. If you abstain for a day or two, you'll certainly produce more sperm than you would ejaculating every few hours. But any longer than this one- to two-day timeframe, and you won't see much of a difference, as semen reservoirs will have stopped building up a supply.
    (Butter's note: True, the body will evacuate excess semen through urine & etc. so abstinence over 3 or 4 days will not continue increase of quantity. Usually, 2 or 3 days should be enough to reach maximum potential... but there are exceptions!)

    And for those of you who wrote in asking if semen is a good source of protein, its protein content is roughly equivalent to that found in the egg white of a large egg. So you're probably best off sticking with the eggs.

    Consistency of semen isn't very consistent; you've probably noticed that the thickness of your ejaculate can vary from day to day. This is because the quality of the fluid is very susceptible to a number of factors. Diet, exercise and frequency of sex can all dictate how thick or watery your emissions are, as can the tightness of the clothes that you wear (tight clothing will increase body temperature and can thus impact sperm motility.

    While there is a lack of supporting scientific evidence, a number of ingredients are said to help thicken up semen. Because of their protein content, egg whites and gelatin are often recommended. Wheat germ, omega-3 oils, selenium, and zinc are all also believed to improve consistency.
    (Butter's note: Tomato-based products, soy-based products, oatmeal, and celery have also proven to help thicken the load, at least in my case!)

    Vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, and essential fatty acids are found in the prostate in high levels, and are all necessary to produce semen. Low zinc levels have been connected to decreased production of seminal fluids, as well as lower testosterone levels. A healthy balance of nutrients is important for maintaining vascular health as well, which improves your ability to achieve and maintain erections. There isn't a need to go popping extra vitamins if you are already eating a diet rich in nutrients, particulary from fruits and vegetables. Essential fatty acids are found in certain kinds of fish (like salmon) and nuts.

    Celery is one of food products known to have great properties for sexual stimulation. It contains androsterone, an odor free hormone which is very inviting for women. Raw celery is the best way to increase that desire.
    Oysters are rich in zinc and are know to increase sperm and testosterone production. It contains dopamine which increases the sexual desire.
    Bananas, Avocado and Almond or other nuts are some of the other food products which help in this matter.

    10 Ways you can increase Your sperm count:
    1. Have sex & masturbate less often - the more times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be. Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations.
    2. Refrain from habits like smoking, alcohol consumption etc. - Alcohol affects your liver function, which, in turn, causes a dramatic rise in estrogen levels. Even two drinks a day will have long-term effects on sperm production
    3. Exercise regularly.Exercising your PC muscle can help you shoot further than ever before.
    4. Eat Nutritious Food - Diet that's low in fat, and high in protein, vegetables, and whole grains is good for your health and for your sperm. Avoid bitter, astringent and spicy foods.Reduce caffeine intake
    5. Avoid heating of testicles - Wear loose, cotton boxer shorts, Avoid hot baths and saunas
    6. Lose any excess weight, which tends to cause testosterone/oestrogen imbalances.
    7. Reduce stress levels by learning relaxation techniques - Keep your mind and body healthy by regular practice of YOGA and MEDITATION.
    8. Massage body with herbal oil, which improves blood circulation.
    9. Try supplements - Certain natural supplements promise to increase sperm production.
    10. Make love in the early morning or afternoon. Sperm levels are often highest in the mornings.

    I used to have one for smell & taste good for her but I don't have access to that one just now
    Last edited by Butterman; 11-07-2007 at 05:03 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    As the last poster has said & I believe most others in this thread too. Do not bother with tablets or anything else like that, what you need is all natural. Plenty of fruit, you need to take zinc, the amount of that is usually enough is in multi vits.

    On top of that wheat products or oatmeal products. Lets say like wheatabix or there new oatabix, they will be enough for you a day. That all you need & its all just once a day with the zinc & the wheats or oats as for the fruit well I will leave that up to you on how many banana's or apples or oranges you have. You will then notice in a as quick as a few days the difference. You will get a thicker load & a bigger load, just take your time, do things right & all will be coming up fountain's so to speak.

    Keep on cumming

  3. #23
    Expert nicelisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeSouth View Post
    the sperm pills are complete ripoffs

    heres a regimen thats healthy and it works

    a daily multi vitamin ... this is important the rest doesnt work nearly as well without it

    1 400 IU vitamin E 2x a day (800 once doesnt work as well)

    1 30 mg chelated zinc once a day (dont overdo the zinc...its hard on your liver...30 is good with the multi and it works.

    24 hrs at least since your last pop.

    it wont get any bigger than this, some people also get results from a high protein diet.

    this gets asked a lot...maybe the mods should make it sticky

    Maybe men should ask JAPANESE guys how do they do to obtain such large, heavy cum loads. Look at some Japanese bukkake movies, this is EXCEPTIONNAL ! Most of the men in movies cum like there was no tomorow, and not those little watery cumloads but BIG HEAVY loads...i guess they have the recipe !

  4. #24
    Expert jzzr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicelisa View Post
    Maybe men should ask JAPANESE guys how do they do to obtain such large, heavy cum loads. Look at some Japanese bukkake movies, this is EXCEPTIONNAL ! Most of the men in movies cum like there was no tomorow, and not those little watery cumloads but BIG HEAVY loads...i guess they have the recipe !
    I agree and I think it's all the rice they eat in Japan. Certain types of starch seem to thicken it up.

  5. #25
    Expert nicelisa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jzzr View Post
    I agree and I think it's all the rice they eat in Japan. Certain types of starch seem to thicken it up.

    you know what...i have always been "dreaming" that those Japanese guys would do a bukkake movie with an American woman. (or european)

    Why ? Because, those woman are used to take small loads, watery loads (like in some GGG or Cohf) and i'm sure that their face expression would COMPLETLY change (they would be like : eewww ! how disgusting !) if they take several big heavy japanese loads ! and THAT would be surely exciting !

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nicelisa View Post
    Maybe men should ask JAPANESE guys how do they do to obtain such large, heavy cum loads. Look at some Japanese bukkake movies, this is EXCEPTIONNAL ! Most of the men in movies cum like there was no tomorow, and not those little watery cumloads but BIG HEAVY loads...i guess they have the recipe !
    what movies? Give us some photos too!
    i think i'm gonna take a look at what they eat daily

  7. #27


    Is load size more important than penis size?

  8. #28
    Expert siguy50's Avatar
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    I can validate the addition of Zinc to the diet helping. I've been taking a One-A-Day multivitamin that has the daily recommended amount of zinc and I immediately noticed a difference in my cum loads. Probably double what I used to shoot.

  9. #29
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    The only thing I have to ad to this thread--the common sense advise like drinking water and getting plenty of sleep have been covered ad nauseam--is to think about sex...a lot. I've found that the more I think about sex during the upcoming days before giving a facial, the more semen I produce. I've driven myself crazy for eight days and blew the biggest load of my life on my ex's face. Just keep fantasizing about covering her face--it works!
    Last edited by c_anderson; 11-20-2007 at 02:10 AM.

  10. #30
    Beginner bizznizz's Avatar
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    In front of your face.


    About the scam pills; i have tried both the Peter North and Semenax.
    the first one increase indeed, but not more that when you holding up.
    The Semenax is indeed scampills.
    They did make my sperm thick and yellow, instead of white.
    So water and fruits do it more.
    I ever asked Preston Parker (that guy from bangbros) what's his secret was; and indeed a lot of stroking before cumming and many pineapple for the flavor and water because pineapple als dehydrate your body (excellent when u want to loose weight, NOT FAT)

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